E-mails are one of the most popular means of digital communication. The main reason e-mails are used in marketing activities is that they are incredibly effective in digital marketing and have great potential. Why are e-mails one of the most popular of digital communication? What is e-mail marketing in e-commerce, and why is it important? What are the benefits of e-mail marketing to e-commerce? What types of e-mail marketing can be used for e-commerce? We have compiled the answers to all these questions and more for you. Let’s start.


What is e-mail marketing in e-commerce?


E-commerce e-mail marketing is a marketing channel that allows you to inform your subscribers about new products, discounts, deals, and other promotions. They help increase user engagement, build customer loyalty, share helpful information, announce the hottest deals, and increase sales. You can educate your target audience about the value of your brand and stay in their minds. You can also use e-mail for effective sales by keeping subscribers engaged between old and new purchases.


Why is it essential to e-mail marketing for e-commerce?


E-mail marketing is one of the most influential and essential ways to achieve business success. E-mail marketing develops brand awareness and builds credibility and trustworthy customer relationships. It’s also an excellent way to drive more sales, generate leads, and increase website traffic. Implementing effective e-mail strategies can be greater than you might imagine.



What are the benefits of e-mail marketing to e-commerce?


Extremely effective!

If you want your marketing messages to reach your customers and potential customers, e-mail is your best option. The most crucial benefit is undoubted that it is highly effective. Need more details? Here are the numbers. According to research, the people you e-mail receive at least 79 percent, and perhaps close to 90 percent, of the e-mails you send. E-mails have an average open rate that can hit the 30 percent range. Best of all, 4.24 percent of visitors from e-mail marketing continue to make a purchase. That’s more than twice the rate of visitors from search and more than seven times the rate of visitors from social media.


Personal and customizable

The primary purpose of newsletters and e-mail marketing is to establish personal contact with customers, stay connected and provide value through your content. If you don’t spam with irrelevant content, your customers will feel like they belong to your company. In one study, 72% of consumers say they’re only interested in personalized messaging.


You own your list

There is an inherent risk of gaining followers on social media because you are playing in a sandbox where someone else has set the rules. What if that social media platform suddenly bans your site, or is it out of business? Most likely and most often, does it change its algorithm so abruptly that your posts only reach a fraction of the people they used to use? E-mail marketing has far fewer risks. You own your subscriber list, if you change platforms, you can take it with you, and your messages will go directly to them. This means you can’t lose your ability to interact with them overnight due to an algorithm change, the failure of an external business, or an inconsistent ban.


Increases brand awareness

Marketers often use social media for brand awareness, but e-mails can also work for branding. Newsletters today are an art form where brands allow their customers to enter their universe and feel a sense of belonging. If your customers follow you, they are interested in your company. E-mails can increase that interest even more. Always remember that brand awareness is essential, not to overload your customers with inconsistent e-mails. Your primary goal is to build a customer’s trust. Customers don’t just like companies that sell. Engage them not only with sales but also with your company’s updates and news.


Highly measurable

E-mail marketing is an exceptionally measurable form of marketing. There are statistics such as open rate, click-through rate, and conversion rate to measure the effectiveness of your e-mail copy and design. Statistics like spam complaint rate and unsubscribe rate give you a clear window into the status of your listing. Even statistics such as e-mail share rate and list growth rate can show your business is trending in popularity.



Types of e-mail marketing that you can use for e-commerce



E-mail marketing is an essential part of owning and operating any business. The most effective e-mail marketing strategies inspire buying behavior, inform customers about important events, and keep loyal fans engaged with a brand. However, once entrepreneurs successfully capture their e-mail potential for their business, many have a hard time determining what content they should e-mail their customers. Here, we’ve compiled some of the most common e-mail types e-commerce businesses use in their e-mail marketing strategies. Let’s get started!


1. Welcome E-mails 

The Welcome E-mail is your customers’ first e-mail from your business. Welcome e-mails are sent when a customer joins your e-mail list, whether from a registration form on your website or when creating an account when placing an order. Welcome e-mails show your appreciation and excitement about a customer joining your list, making them feel valued.


2. Confirmation E-mails

Confirmation e-mails are sent after a customer completes a specific action on your site, usually regarding an order. Types of e-mails keep customers informed about their ranking status at every step, so that they are involved in the process and excited for their product(s) to arrive.


3. Feedback & Review E-mails

Such e-mails are usually sent after an order has been completed to receive critical information about your products and services. Sending such e-mails shows that you care about making your business and its products the best they can be, strengthening your brand’s reputation.


4. Promotional E-mails 

Promotional e-mails allow customers looking for an opportunity or savings to purchase products from you at a discounted price.

Because of the associated savings, such e-mails tend to drive most conversions, increasing overall sales volume even at a lower profit per item rate.


5. Product-Based E-mails

These e-mails; inform customers about the different types of products that you can purchase from your business. Customers who receive these e-mails will have a good idea of ​​your business, so they will remember your store when they’re ready to buy now or in the future.


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