Have you ever wondered what brand awareness actually is? We assume that you might be familiar with the idea, but in this article, we want you to have a wider opinion on brand awareness in digital marketing.

Compared to traditional marketing methods, measuring the performance of marketing activities more accurately is possible. With the feedback obtained from the measurement results, it becomes easier to make more accurate and faster decisions about the following marketing activities.

Digital marketing is to continue commercial activities by using the internet, mobile, and other interactive platforms to support and promote the brand and business, with methods away from traditional media such as TV, radio, and magazines. Digital marketing is also defined as interactive marketing, online marketing, e-marketing, and web marketing. Digital marketing basically consists of 4 steps. Get, Convert, Measure-Optimize, and Claim, Retain&Grow. Brand awareness can manifest itself in all these steps.


What is brand awareness?


Your brand awareness represents a brand’s power in the consumer’s mind. Awareness influences a consumer’s re-selection of a product or service. Although recognition and recall increase closeness to the brand, it is often confused with the concept of awareness.

To recognize a brand, it is not necessary to know where the brand is encountered; it is checked whether there is an encounter with the brand. Brand recall is the probability that a brand will come to mind when given information.

We usually start to recognize a brand logo or name after seeing it once or twice. Brands create a strategy by promoting their brand presence in multiple channels to increase this recognition and try to gain customers’ trust. To achieve brand awareness, the period starting with brand recognition should be unique and creative. 

Afterward, studies on brand awareness focusing on brand recall are started, but brand awareness studies should not be aimed at everyone to make the brand known. For brand awareness, the relevant target market should be defined, and the focus should be on improving the brand perception of the buyers in that market. The more the brand works to be remembered, the more solid steps can be taken towards brand awareness.


What is brand recognition?


In marketing, brand recognition refers to how well a consumer can identify a particular brand after seeing its logo, slogan, packaging, or advertising campaign. The customer can also demonstrate brand recognition after listening to a jingle or theme song associated with the brand.

To gain brand awareness, a consumer must have prior knowledge of the brand. This means that a company has to offer a particular visual or audio experience over and over so that consumers can learn to remember them. For example, a company might use the same slogan at the end of each radio or television advertisement to get customers to start associating the slogan with their brand. Ultimately, consumers will remember the brand wherever they hear this slogan.


Why is brand awareness important?


“Brand Awareness” for companies; is an essential factor that helps stabilize or significantly increase the turnover at a certain level, in addition to viral spreads and reducing advertising costs. Brand Awareness is one of the most important goals that companies should achieve. Certain conditions and building blocks exist to reach the peak of brand awareness. Companies that focus on these building blocks necessary for brand awareness cause their brands to remain in the minds of potential customers for many years and their shopping habits to change in their favor.


What are the benefits of brand awareness?


Mind awareness: The highest level of brand awareness is mind awareness. This is when customers first think of you when they need to purchase your product category. You can also build a catchy awareness through repeated exposure and consistent presentation of a good product or service over time. This is a huge advantage in the marketplace when customers enter a buying situation, and your brand immediately comes to mind.

Customer loyalty increases: If a customer sees and recognizes your brand in the market, this familiarity creates a sense of security that your customer has chosen an established company. When a company whose name you have never heard of or whose logo you have never seen calls you, do you initially feel safe talking to that company? Most likely not.

Retaining and returning customers is critical to long-term business sustainability, as acquiring new customers is a very costly process. Brand loyalty creates a certain level of security for businesses. Brand awareness plays a vital role in repeat customer activity. Also, when a customer buys from you, do you use tools like promotions, newsletters, and satisfaction surveys to stay in touch? These simple actions can maintain brand awareness among your existing customer pool.

Scale: A lot of people are shopping; it’s a given and shouldn’t be taken personally. All you have to do is turn the scale in your favor. If everything else is comparable, your customers are more likely to choose a brand they know over a brand they’ve never heard of. And in many cases, brand awareness can make up for other inequalities, giving you an edge you didn’t have before.

Growth potential: Marketing managers constantly look for metrics they can report to the board of directors, shareholders, and other stakeholders to prove a company’s success. Increased brand awareness can signal the payoff of efforts to enter new markets and provide tangible evidence of a company’s growth potential. At the same time, financial results and sales data can dwarf many other inputs. That alone can be a good argument for why this is vital for measuring brand awareness and then tracking it over time.

The popularity of products: Brands provide multiple sensory stimuli to enhance customer recognition. For example, a brand logo, packaging, shape, etc., are visually recognizable. It can also be recognized by voice, such as talking to someone about the product or hearing your name in a radio advertisement.


What is the impact of brand awareness?


Studies have shown that people are more likely to make a quick and decisive decision when presented with multiple options, such as a brand they know, than when they are presented with only unfamiliar products. It allows businesses to connect with their customers and get their feedback. This is because consumers are more likely to trust the opinions of others than the messages from the brand itself. A strong market presence can help them gain more sales and improve their credibility. There are various ways to build brand awareness, such as having an identifiable logo, a distinct brand message, and online and offline marketing.


How to increase brand awareness?


Build authority in your field with educational content: An important part of creating brand awareness is becoming a thought leader or authority in your niche. The more authority you have, the more people will notice and share your content, and the higher you will appear in search rankings. Seek content collaborations with other companies in your industry: It’s not what you know but who you know. This is true in the world of brand awareness too. Boost your brand presence by associating and collaborating with other companies in your niche.


How can small businesses increase brand awareness?


Social media can be used to increase sales volumes and build brand loyalty and brand awareness. There are numerous social media platforms for small businesses. But the most effective social media marketing tools are Instagram, LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube. These platforms offer small businesses various options: they can create pages, create and share content, or partner with social media influencers. The three leading social media platforms each have more than one billion subscribers.

What this means for small businesses is that they have a pool of potential customers to work with. Social media makes it possible to deliver marketing messages to potential customers easily and cost-effectively. Effectively, it makes the brand awareness campaign inexpensive for small businesses. The three leading social media platforms each have more than one billion subscribers. What this means for small businesses is that they have a pool of potential customers to work with.

Customer testimonials are powerful brand awareness tools, especially for small businesses. It is the responsibility of the small business owner to influence the nature of customer testimonials through positive and strong brand awareness content. Customer testimonials help increase brand trust, influence others to buy the product, are free, and strengthen customer loyalty. Customer testimonials also provide helpful feedback for small businesses to identify aspects of the development that need improvement. Customer testimonials are mostly offered on social media pages and websites.


How does digital marketing increase brand awareness?


Brand awareness is very important for any company. Although each brand uses different tactics, one thing remains the same, companies need to invest in brand awareness campaigns. You won’t need a huge budget to see results in brand awareness campaigns. Creativity and the right strategies can help you succeed and reach your customers as big brands do.

Discover Euromsg Express’s brand awareness solutions now!


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