Email Marketing Trends That Are Going to Rise in 2022

29/12/2021 | E-mail Marketing

Email marketing’s unattainable power and popularity in the digital marketing area are increasing day by day. Experts claim this popularity is not going to waver any time soon. And of course, there are always certain trends rising in email marketing just like they do for any marketing tool.

To command the digital marketing trends long before they rise to the top means you can leave your competitors behind and use the trends before they become irrelevant. That’s why we have prepared a guide for you to use about the email marketing trends that are about to rise in 2022. Needless to say, you do not have to use all of them. Take your brand identity, audience, customer behavior, company size into consideration along with your budget, and choose the best trends to use in your successful campaigns in 2022.


Newsletters Are Coming Back

Newsletters have been one of the strongest weapons in small-sized companies’ arsenal even though they were seen somewhat old-fashioned by the bigger-sized companies in the last year but in 2022 they are coming back with a bang. Try to make room for more newsletters in your email marketing campaigns in 2022. Especially guides will be beneficial and highly appreciated by your subscribers. You can prepare gift guides for days like Father’s Day or Mother’s Day or Christmas to increase your sales and build stronger customer loyalty.

This year prepare newsletters with short and readable content, enriched with images and graphics, informative about the industry, and keep your subscribers interested in your products.


Take Your Personalization Skills One Step Forward

Personalization in your email campaigns can make your subscribers and customers feel important and valued, which is great for creating strong customer loyalty. This way, your customers will feel like more than just investors.

Take your personalization efforts one step forward in 2022. Use artificial intelligence, segment your members, put them into different groups depending on customer behavior analysis. Create different content for every segment in your email campaigns, offer them different promotions and sales. Send ads for complimentary products for customers who have already purchased from you and reminders to visitors who abandoned products in their carts.


Flaunt Your Updates About Privacy

Privacy has become a huge issue for customers and email list subscribers in 2021. Especially Apple’s big move towards security and offering more privacy for their phones, and some brands’ failure to keep their customers’ private information made everyone extra sensitive on the subject. Email marketing falls into an extremely important area when it comes to privacy. 

That’s why we’re suggesting not just taking all of the necessary precautions for your subscribers’ privacy but also informing them about your efforts as clearly as possible. Create a newsletter to explain your security and privacy rules alongside a short text to use on your every email. This will prove the importance and value you reflect upon your customers and strengthen the customer loyalty.



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Take Extra Care About Readability

Use minimalistic, classic and large enough to read fonts for your texts in your emails. Both the texts and the images should be formatted prioritizing readability. Try not to use dark colors for the background, readability should be more important than design and brand identity.


Don’t Be Coy About Showing Your Appreciation

You must be ready to put more effort in to show your appreciation for your customers with your email campaigns. An easy way to do this is to offer special promotions or sales to them. You can offer them early access to your new collections for example to make them feel more valued.

If your budget is not enough for such promotions use your emails to offer helpful guides or information to your subscribers. Gift guides, suggestions on how to use your products are going to be appreciated by everyone.

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